Newman's Own Pizza, Thin And Crispy Crust, Harvest Vegetable 15.4 Oz

100% profits to help kids, Newman's Own Foundation continues Paul Newman's commitment to use all the money that it receives from the sale of this product to support children, their families, and their communities, learn more at NewmansOwn,org, From Schoolyard to Plate for the students of Bridgeton High School in southern New Jersey, eat local hits very close to home ever since a 1,500-square-foot greenhouse was installed right in their own backyard, the greenhouse, donated and constructed by a nearby farm, serves as a learning lab for STEM classes, all 1,600 of the school's students get hands-on farming experience and enjoy the fruits of their labor as the greens they grow - arugula, Bibb lettuce, cilantro and parsley - are incorporated into the school's cafeteria offerings, Foodcorps School gardens are popping up at other Bridgeton public schools, according to warren deshields, the director of food services for the district, and they make it easy for jenny reed, a Foodcorps service member, to bring math and science concepts to life for her students, Newman's Own proudly supports Foodcorps, which helps to provide food education and nourishing school meals for more than 120,000 students every year.